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Jun 2024

Social 6 Lingual Brace, Whitening And Bonding

One of our favourite cosmetic orthodontic treatments is the Social 6 lingual brace. This is a superb treatment to straighten the front teeth in a matter of weeks. In our experience, most treatments are just 3-4 months. With our 15 years experience with lingual braces, we have the know how to treat almost every imaginable case out there.… CONTINUE READING
Jun 2024

What Is Composite Edge Bonding And How Is It Different To Composite Veneers?

One of the most common cosmetic dental treatments we provide at our Fulham dental practice on a daily basis is composite bonding or composite edge bonding. Now, let us explain what composite edge bonding is exactly. This is where a tooth, normally a front tooth, is enhanced by adding composite ( which is a white filling material). This would usually be to change the shape such as the length or width, to repair a chip or fracture or protect a worn down tooth. For edge bonding, the composite typically just re… CONTINUE READING
Jun 2024

Invisalign To Fix Rotated Teeth

Our case of the month for April 2024 is one using one of our favourite treatments; Invisalign. As you may be aware, Invisalign is the most well know orthodontic system in the world and for good reason. The science and technology behind the system means that we can predictably correct even the most crooked teeth including severe rotations. The key is in the planning. Not all Invisalign is the same! We spend a great deal of time planning each and every case to achieve the best possible results. This case high… CONTINUE READING


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