Social 6 lingual braces are an excellent technique to correct mild to moderate crowding or spacing on the front teeth. Here are the 8 facts:
1. The brackets ( a number of types can be used including STB, Forestadent 2-D, Innovation L) are placed on the inside of the teeth making the brace 'invisible'.
2. The brackets are only placed on the front 6 teeth.
3. The system aims to correct the incisor teeth (the front 4 teeth)
4. The canine teeth act as the anchors to the system and therefore cannot be moved.
5. The treatment time is usually very quick, from 12-24 weeks only.
6. Long term retention is vital. We strongly advise a fixed wire retainer as well as a removable retainer to maintain the results.
7. For more advanced conditions, full arch or full mouth comprehensive orthodontics will be required. Difficult cases will need to be referred to a specialist orthodontist.
8. By correcting the cosmetic appearance, there are potentially other major benefits such as improved oral hygiene, improved anterior guidance (bite) and improved self confidence!
Take a look at some of our case studies or case of the month treatments to view the excellent results we have achieved.