Our case of the month for November 2013 is a superb ABC case. This involves:
A- alignment of teeth using invisible lingual braces
B- bleaching of teeth using teeth whitening strips
C- cosmetic bonding of teeth to enhance the appearance and create symmetry
ABC is the FUTURE of cosmetic dentistry. A new smile can be achieved with non invasive dentistry, preservation of tooth enamel, no needles and no drilling!! What could be better?
Here are the before and after photos:
ABC: Achieve A New Smile With Non-Invasive Dentistry

Crooked gap teeth, small lateral incisors and pointed canines

Straight, even teeth, a wonderful smile!
Smile Transformation Using ABCThis smile was completely transformed using ABC treatment. Our patient is delighted with the end result and now has a beaming smile. This is modern dentistry at it's very best. |