Our case of the month for October is one involving dental implants. Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth whether this involves one missing tooth, several teeth or all teeth. After all, what you rather have- a removable plastic plate or a fixed tooth which is almost identical to your own tooth?
Our case is one that spans more than five years and just goes to show how dental implants can look just like natural teeth and how the gum line responds to well planned treatment. Dr Patel replaced a missing canine tooth using an Astra TX implant and over the years the site has improved and actually looks healthier now, over five years on.
The case highlights the importance of proper planning, training, attention to detail and skill when involved with implant dentistry. This is not an easy part of dentistry and takes many years to reach a certain level.
Just take a look at the before and after photographs:

The canine tooth is fully secure, stable and the bone levels are even better now than five years ago.
Photographs are the sole property of Dr Nissit Patel and cannot be replicated or used within any other context.
If you are missing teeth and would like to know the options available, please contact us. We offer a FREE consultation on dental implants with Dr Nissit Patel.