NEWS - NOTHING BUT THE TOOTH - Case of the Month - PAGE 3

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Mar 2023

Invisalign To Widen The Smile And Improve The Bite

Invisalign is one of our favourite treatment techniques. It is a phenomenal clear aligner therapy which is head and shoulders above the rest. The technology behind the treatment is simply amazing and we can treat virtually every case with Invisalign. The days of 'this can only be treated with fixed braces' has gone! However, it is important to understand that each treatment is bespoke and planned by us carefully. We do not just simply accept the algorithm from Invisalign and we put our mark on each and ever… CONTINUE READING
Feb 2023

The Dahl Technique for Restoring Worn Front Teeth

Tooth wear is one of the most prevalent dental conditions that we see in practice day to day. It would not be an exaggeration to say that almost 90% of adult patients suffer from some form of tooth wear albeit to varying degree of severity. Minor tooth wear can lead to issues such as sensitivity to hot and cold whereas severe tooth wear can impair everyday function of chewing and mastication. Severe tooth surface loss will also cause a reduction in the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) which is a measuremen… CONTINUE READING
Jan 2023

Invisalign Comprehensive For Rotated Teeth

Our case of the month for December 2022 was a wonderful one where Invisalign was used to corrected a heavily rotated tooth. In the past, we would not have been able to treat this type of tooth rotation with Invisalign and only fixed braces would have been considered. However, with the advancement of technology and digital treatment planning, we can now treat virtually any case with Invisalign. In fact, the system is now so advanced that the end results we are seeing with Invisalign is far superior to the tr… CONTINUE READING
Nov 2022

Cosmetic Teeth Straightening And Composite Bonding

Our cosmetic teeth traightening and composite bonding case of the month is really simple yet effective cosmetic dental treatment. In many cases, our patients would simply like to straighten the front teeth only which is quite understandable. If the front 4 teeth or incisor teeth or crooked, overlapping or gappy, then we have techniques which can help to solve the problems. One of those is the Social 6 lingual brace which is especially designed for the incisor teeth only.… CONTINUE READING
Nov 2022

Philips ZOOM Teeth Whitening

Our case of the month November 2022 involves the use of one of our favourite techniques: Philips ZOOM LED teeth whitening. Tooth whitening has been around for many years and there are lots of different systems on the market today. It is probably the most popular cosmetic dental treatment available and for good reason; everyone deserves whiter teeth! The treatment is safe, minimally invasive, easy to maintain and very affordable.… CONTINUE READING
Oct 2022
Sep 2022

Invisalign Full, Teeth Whitening & A New Front Dental Crown

Our case of the month for September 2022 is a lovely smile transformation done the Progressive Dentistry way with invisalign full, teeth whitening & a new front dental crown. When we plan these types of treatments, we often will look at whether the teeth are in the right place first. Why is this so important? Well the reason is simple. If the teeth are not in the right place or well aligned, any cosmetic treatment will be a big compromise. For instance, in the days gone by, there was a fad for porcelain… CONTINUE READING
Sep 2022

Invisalign For Arch Expansion, Teeth Whitening & Cosmetic Teeth Bonding

Our case of the month for August 2022 was a fabulous one! A real smile transformation done correctly. Forget 'Turkey Teeth'! A smile transformation should involve minimal or no biological damage to the teeth and gums to enhance the aesthetic and functional issues. The term 'Turkey Teeth' comes from social media posts where a smile makeover is done over a weekend by hacking away natural healthy tooth structure and placing multiple crowns and veneers. These are often linked together with no means of cleaning … CONTINUE READING
May 2022

Zirconia Bridge To Replace A Missing Front Tooth

Missing a front tooth is the thing of nightmares! A study done by Yu in 2012 showed that 39% of the population have had a dream about losing a tooth or teeth which is huge considering losing a front tooth is not a particularly common dental issue. However, accidents happen and in our case study our patient lost his front tooth whilst at school in a playground accident.… CONTINUE READING
Mar 2022

Invisalign Full, Whitening & Bonding To Correct A Reverse Overjet (underbite)

Our case of the month for March 2022 is a true smile transformation in every sense of the word. In this case, we successfully corrected a complete reverse overjet or underbite using Invisalign Full. We then enhanced the overall aesthetics using a home whitening kit (Philips ZOOM) and bonding.… CONTINUE READING


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