{ The Online Blog }



Nov 2018

Christmas Special Offers

Christmas offer 2018

Christmas is around the corner and we have two amazing special offers for you:

Philips ZOOM LED and laser tooth whitening
for 2 for just £500 including a FREE take home kit and whitening gel. Our normal fee is £795 per person, resulting in a saving of over £1000!* We have only 10 kits available, so don't miss out and contact us today.

Book you first dental hygiene appointment with us in December and receive a FREE Colgate Omron 250+ tooth brush worth £49.99! This is not a typo- simply book your first hygiene with our hygienist and you will be given this great toothbrush for FREE. ** * Treatment involves 2 cycles with the LED light and then laser treatment using the Epic 10 diode laser whitening tip. Take home kit includes tooth whitening trays and 2 tubes of whitening gel per couple. Subject to full clinical examination, with a fee £78 for new patients. **New patients only. Current patients, don't despair! Simply refer a friend to our hygienist and you will BOTH receive a free toothbrush. Offers available until December 24th 2018


Nov 2022

Philips ZOOM Teeth Whitening

Our case of the month November 2022 involves the use of one of our favourite techniques: Philips ZOOM LED teeth whitening. Tooth whitening has been around for many years and there are lots of different systems on the market today. It is probably the most popular cosmetic dental treatment available and for good reason; everyone deserves whiter teeth! The treatment is safe, minimally invasive, easy to maintain and very affordable.… CONTINUE READING
Oct 2020
Mar 2018

Teeth Straightening Using A Ceramic Outside Brace

It is absolutely freezing outside and the snow is still falling. Beast from the East meets Storm Emma and chaos ensues. However, we at Progressive Dentistry plough on as normal helping you to achieve the smile of your dreams and maintain a healthy mouth. We love creating new smiles that transform your outlook, give you greater confidence, radiate warmth no matter how cold outside! Our case study involves teeth straightening using a ceramic outside brace, followed by tooth whitening and composite bonding. … READ MORE
Dec 2017

5 sleeps until Christmas- give the gift of teeth whitening

There are only 5 sleeps until Christmas! It's not too late. Give the best present you can to your loved one or yourself- teeth whitening. A white, bright, healthy smile is for everyone and not just for Hollywood Stars. Here are our 5 top tips to achieve great tooth whitening: Visit the dental hygienist regularly. Plaque is bacteria and yellow in colour. Stains can readily form from normal diets. Even some mouthwashes can cause discolouration. Corsodyl for example is used long term. Our dental hygienist wil… READ MORE