One of the most topical subjects at the moment is the debate between composite and porcelain for dental restorations. In terms of cosmetic dentistry, this equates to the use of composite veneers and porcelain veneers. It is important to note that composite veneers can either be made by a laboratory or placed free hand by the dentist in the chair. Porcelain veneers can only be made by a dental laboratory or within a dental practice that has the necessary technology such as computer aided design and a milling machine, otherwise know as CAD-CAM.
Composite veneers vs Porcelain veneers. Which is best?
The advantages and disadvantages of compositeThe advantages of dental composite for veneers include: 2. Repair is possible in the mouth should a veneer chip, fracture or exhibit staining 3. Less expensive than porcelain veneers 4. Alterations in shape are easy to make 5. Removal and maintenance is straight forward 6. A good level of aesthetics can be achieved 2. Will eventually stain 3. High quality characterisation is not possible i.e a matt finish is possible not a glossy one and aspects like translucency, light reflection, opacities, craze lines etc are not really comparable to porcelain. 4. Typically last for 5 years and maintenance will be needed in the interim period |
The advantages and disadvantages of porcelainThe advantages of porcelain for veneers include: 2. Far more durable than composite 3. Minimal tooth preparation is possible when teeth are straight 4. Do not stain 2. Repair is not possible in the mouth. A complete replacement is necessary if there is a crack or chip. 3. More expensive than composite veneers or bonding. |
Case of the Month August 2024Our case of the month for August is one that involves replacing composite veneers for porcelain due to discolouration over time and a desire for a greater level of aesthetics and long term durability. This case shows the disparity between the materials and just how life like porcelain can be. |
Composite veneers present on the upper front 6 teeth. They have done a good job over a few years but are discoloured.
Porcelain veneers on the day of placement. Stunning aesthetics, translucency and light reflection. A very happy patient!
Planning is key when making the decision between composite and porcelain. Factors such as expense, longevity, aesthetics, the need for tooth preparation, pre treatment teeth straightening and gum health must all be taken into account before making a decision. We are here to guide you with honest, transparent and clear communication to guide you at each stage. Please feel free to get in touch and speak with one of our dentists if you would like to know more. |