{ The Online Blog }



Mar 2011

Crown Replacement For 2 Front Teeth

Our next case involved two front teeth which had two crowns. The patient was unhappy with the colour, shape and overall appearance of them. The main request was to provide a natural replacement. Front teeth are the first point of eye contact and as such extremely important in cosmetic dentistry. A number of factors must be assessed before treatment can begin and this starts with thorough planning. Initially, study models were prescribed and a diagnostic wax up. This is to enable the patient to see the anticipated final shape and contour of the crowns and compare them with the current situation. The wax up will also be used as the template for the final crowns and for the temporary crowns. The following photographs show how we dramatically improved the situation with cosmetic dentistry.

The original situation. The front teeth have crowns which are uneven and discoloured.
The original situation. The front teeth have crowns which are uneven and discoloured.
The new crowns are perfectly natural and blend in beautifully with the adjacent teeth.
The new crowns are perfectly natural and blend in beautifully with the adjacent teeth.
A close up image of the crowns. Note how they blend in with the gums and have natural characteristics which makes all the difference.
A close up image of the crowns. Note how they blend in with the gums and have natural characteristics which makes all the difference.

Cosmetic dentistry of this nature is a specialised procedure and a certain number of steps must be taken to ensure the right result. This patient was delighted with the result especially as she could show off her new smile for her wedding photographs! If you would like to discuss cosmetic dentistry, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have a number of options and solutions that could make all the difference to your smile and your life!


Dec 2023

Practice Principal of the Year Finalist Private Dentistry Awards 2023

We are delighted to announce that Dr Nissit Patel was a finalist for Practice Principal of the Year for London at this years Private Dentistry Awards 2023. The Private Dentistry Awards is held every year in December to showcase the very best in private dental care throughout the UK. To be nominated as a finalist is a great achievement and testament to the dedication of all of the staff at the practice; after all it is all about the team. There was also cause for a double celebration with November marking 14… CONTINUE READING
May 2021

E Max Crowns

Our case of the month for April was one involving E Max crowns by Ivoclar, which is our opinion, give the best aesthetic results. In the past, tooth coloured dental crowns had a layer of metal underneath for strength with the ceramic bonded on the outside. Now these could look perfectly acceptable but there were issues. Having two layers means that more of the underlying tooth has to be cut down to accommodate the material. For any of you that has read any of our posts knows that we believe in minimally inv… READ MORE
Mar 2021

Smile Transformation Using Lingual Braces, Tooth Whitening & Cosmetic Bonding

Our case of the month for last month February 2021 is a stunning case which involves a smile transformation using three techniques:1. Lingual Braces 2. Tooth whitening using a take home whitening kit 3. Cosmetic bonding We like to call this a Progressive Smile transformation as there is no drilling, no injections, no pain and the process is affordable and easy to maintain. In contrast to porcelain veneers or crowns which require drilling away of healthy tooth enamel to cover the teeth with the ceramic. Gra… READ MORE
Sep 2020


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