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Nov 2013

Diet And Tooth Erosion - Some Vital Facts And Tips To Avoid Future Problems

Are you a Juicing Fanatic? Now the festive season has started, some of my patients have told me they are trying a juicing diet to detox after Christmas party excesses, or before the inevitable over-eating starts. People are often surprised to hear the damaging effect juices can have on our teeth. A lot of juices, especially those made with fruit, are full of sugar and highly acidic. This causes a drop in pH in the mouth, which in turn can cause acid erosion which damages tooth enamel and/or decay if sustained.

Despite the possible damage, we do recognise the benefits of a good daily intake of fruits and vegetables, in particular the importance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for good gum health. Almost all vegetables are low acid, but some fruits are higher than others High Erosion Risk Fruits: Citrus Berries Peaches Pears Grapes Pineapple Moderate Erosion Risk Fruits: Figs Bananas Asian pears Dates Papaya Melons Mangoes Here are some tips to help reduce the damage that can be caused by juicing diets or high fruit intake:

1. Try to limit fruits to meal times, constant grazing causes more damage than a large amount all at once.

2. Wait at least 20 minutes after eating/drinking before brushing so you are not brushing the acid in to the teeth.

3. Drink juice through a straw and don't hold it for long in your mouth.

4. Dilute juice with water and drink water after each juice/fruit.

5. Use a good, de sensitising toothpaste, such as Sensodyne Repair and Protect.

6. Increase use of fluoride mouthwash such as Colgate Flourigard. GC Tooth Mousse is excellent for repairing damage when applied topically at night and left on the teeth, and also comes in some delicious fruity flavours!


Jan 2025

Improving your smile with composite bonding

A smile speaks a thousand words as the old saying goes. Sometimes, it is the little changes that really make a difference. This may not be evident to everyone but if a small enhancement gives you more confidence then this make a huge difference to ones wellbeing. One of the ways we can enahnce a smile is with a technique called composite bonding. Our case of the month for January 2025 is really a classic one where bonding was used to improve the smile symmetry in a subtle yet striking way.… CONTINUE READING
Jan 2025

Composite Bonding vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which is Right for Your Smile?

To answer this question, we really need to differentiate the two treatments as they are two different treatment entirely. Composite bonding is an additive process. In simple terms, we carefully sculpt composite resin over the teeth in question. This can be used to treat chipped, fractured, uneven and gappy teeth. Composite can also be used to replace old fillings on front ( or back) teeth. The great advantage of bonding includes:1. Treatment is completed in one visit; an instant smile transformation! 2. Min… CONTINUE READING
Jan 2025

Social 6 lingual brace, whitening and bonding. The truly invisible brace

One of our favourite treatments for cosmetic teeth straightening is the Social 6 lingual brace. This brace is the truly invisible brace as it is placed on the inside of the teeth. Even though lingual braces have been around for many decades, there is little awareness of the system as the treatment in the past has been kept within the realm of specialist orthodontists and the costs have been incredibly high compared to conventional braces. Now for complex cases, lingual brace treatment is an extremely diffic… CONTINUE READING
Dec 2024

Over £3000 raised for Alzheimer's Society

We celebrated our 15th birthday in style on the 6th December with a packed reception enjoying glasses of English Fizz from Kingscote, Denbies and Balfour winerys and food from Papa Ciccia's in Fulham. It was so nice to see patients who have been with us from the very beginning, new clients and new businesses from Fulham High Street attending. Our charity raffle was a great success with the winners of some great prizes announced including ZOOM in surgery whitening, take home tooth whitening kits, Oral B elec… CONTINUE READING


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