One of the main causes of tooth decay is sugar in the diet. Not only is the amount of sugar a critical factor but also the frequency of consumption.
However, some foods which you may think to be safe and sugar free contain surprisingly high amounts of sugar.
For example, did you know that a good dollop of tomato ketchup contains 1 teaspoon of sugar. The same is also for brown sauce. Half a tin of baked beans contains 2 teaspoons full of sugar. The list goes on.
It is worthwhile looking on the labels of all foods to check the amount of sugar. Make sure to look for glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose as these are all sugars.
If you would like a list of the amount of sugar in everyday foods, please ask us and we will send you a copy. There are tips and techniques to neutralise the effect that sugar has on teeth and gums. We will discuss these in upcoming articles.