Our case of the month for February is a wonderful cosmetic dental transformation using invisible braces called lingual braces to straighten crooked teeth. These are braces fitted to the inside of the teeth so they are the truly invisible brace. Being placed on the inside of the teeth, they act down the long axis of the tooth meaning that teeth straightening can also be very quick. Straight teeth fast! What more could you ask for? Our client came to us seeking a new smile due to crooked upper front teeth, which had been bothering her for many years. Due to the fact that we provide a truly invisible braces, which are completely hidden from anyone else, other treatment options such as porcelain veneers were ruled out.
The treatment was completed by Dr Nissit Patel using StB brackets. The treatment time was 6 months only. The photographs are the sole property of Dr Nissit Patel and any reproduction is strictly prohibited. If you would like straight teeth using invisible braces, lingual braces or any other form of cosmetic brace then please do not hesitate to contact us on 0207 7311162 or e mail us on info@progressivedentistry.co.uk