Our case of the month for September 2017 is a wonderful teeth straightening case using one of our favourite braces- Social 6 lingual brace. Lingual braces are placed on the INSIDE of your teeth which means it is the only invisible brace treatment available. Other techniques such as Invisalign or Six Month Smiles may say their treatment is discreet but there is only one truly invisible brace. Aside from this, most treatments are incredibly quick. We have found the average time to be 3-4 months. This really flies by and the brace is removed before you know it. Another huge bonus is that the brace is only placed on 6 teeth making it the smallest fixed brace on the market and therefore very comfortable.
Here is a case we completed today:
Lingual Braces - Case of the Month - September 2017

Very crooked front teeth. Our patient hated her smile

Straight teeth in only 12 weeks! Amazing
As you can see from the above photographs, the transformation is quite simply stunning. Our client is now ecstatic and cannot help to show off her smile. What is that worth? We think a lot more than the very special offer of £995 for the Social 6 lingual brace! |