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Feb 2022

Replace A Missing Front Tooth Using A Dental Implant

Thankfully January is over! Longer days are on the horizon and Spring time not too far away. Our case of the month for January involved quite a complex one to replace a missing front tooth using a dental implant. Unfortunately, our patient had an accident causing severe trauma to his front tooth. The tooth could not be saved and required removal. This is a nightmare scenario for most of us but thankfully we have the technology and options available to replace the tooth with a long term solution- a dental implant. In the past, we the option of a bridge was the main method of replacing teeth. This is where the adjacent teeth are cut down to size to literally 'bridge' the gap. However, this is extremely destructive and removes almost all of the supporting structures of the tooth which will almost certainly lead to issues in the future. Of course, there is also the option of a removable partial denture! Realistically, this is not a long term option especially for a young adult.

Removing Existing Tooth

So in our case, we had to carefully remove the tooth and allow healing. During this time, we used composite bonding to attach a new tooth to cover the space. Leaving a gap at the front is certainly not an option!

After Tooth Removal

After careful planning using CBCT scans, intra oral scans, digital implant planning software we can make a very accurate surgical stent which allows us to place the implant in the best position possible to facilitate a new tooth on top.

Dental Implant And System Used

The implant system we used was TRI implants (Switzerland) and the implant was placed successfully and allowed to heal for 12 weeks. After this time, we take more scans of the mouth so that the laboratory can fabricate the new tooth. Once again, carefully planning and communication is needed for exacting end results.

Please take a look at the series of images which highlight just how we can replace a missing front tooth.

IMG 1941

Missing front tooth, not looking great with the temporary tooth ( not ours!)

IMG 2413

Surgical stent used for exact placement of the dental implant

IMG 3168

Dental implant in place with a healing abutment

IMG 3364

Laboratory stage - all made digitally

IMG 3367

Delivery of the front tooth- note the blanching of the tissues which highlights excellent seating. This will disappear within a day. We also bonded the adjacent tooth- can you see the improvement?

Treatment completed by Dr Nissit Patel, laboratory work by the Implant Lab. Please contact us if you are missing a single tooth, we can help!


Nov 2023

Porcelain Veneers To Transform A Smile

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular ways of transforming a smile. Veneers are outer facings that cover the tooth/teeth to repair issues such as chips, fractures, asymmetry, discolouration or protect old fillings. The transformation of a smile can be life changing. A smile is one of the first things that is evident on a person and this can radiance confidence and self-belief. The treatment for veneers is not a straightforward one and requires careful planning and execution to achieve an outstanding… CONTINUE READING
Mar 2022

2 Dental Implants to Replace 3 Missing Teeth

Our case of the month for February 2022 is one involving 2 dental implants to replace 3 missing back teeth. Dental implants are considered the gold standard to replace missing teeth but what are dental implants? Well, essentially implants are the replacements for the roots of the missing teeth. They provide the foundation to allow us to place new teeth on top. Simple? Not really! Dental implant treatment is complicated and requires a huge amount of training, experience and ongoing education. Of course, some… CONTINUE READING
Jan 2022
Mar 2021

Smile Transformation Using Lingual Braces, Tooth Whitening & Cosmetic Bonding

Our case of the month for last month February 2021 is a stunning case which involves a smile transformation using three techniques:1. Lingual Braces 2. Tooth whitening using a take home whitening kit 3. Cosmetic bonding We like to call this a Progressive Smile transformation as there is no drilling, no injections, no pain and the process is affordable and easy to maintain. In contrast to porcelain veneers or crowns which require drilling away of healthy tooth enamel to cover the teeth with the ceramic. Gra… READ MORE