You may have noticed the increasing number of adverts for the treatment of tooth sensitivity and tooth erosion. Why is this?
The answer is simple; our diets and habits.
In general, our diet has become far more acidic over the years. For example, you may be surprised to learn that certain fruits have a very high acid content that can dissolve healthy tooth enamel. Citrus fruits are especially acidic.
Fizzy drinks are also very acidic. Did you know that a typical cola drink could dissolve your entire tooth overnight? Shocking, yet these drinks are a normal dietary item. Not only this, but the non diet varieties contain up to 4 large tablespoons of sugar!
Did you know that over 80% of the population grinds their teeth at night? Teeth grinding will lead to loss of tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. In conjunction with an acidic diet, this is a recipe for disaster!
It is not unusual to see tooth wear that would normally be seen in an elderly person in a twenty or thirty year old. If you have tooth wear or sensitive teeth, then please read on.
1. Reduce the acid content in your diet immediately.
2. Chew sugar free gum after eating or drinking acidic foods and drinks.
3. Do NOT brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or drinks.
4. Use dedicated pastes and gels as prescribed by your dentist to reduce tooth sensitivity and protect teeth.
5. These pastes and gels should be used TOPICALLY. This means applying them directly to the teeth with your finger tip and allowing direct contact overnight.
6. Do NOT rinse with water or mouthwash after applying the topical paste. This will simply wash the paste away.
7. See your dentist immediately if you develop sensitive teeth or notice your teeth chipping, becoming more translucent at the tips or becoming flat.
Prevention is far better than cure. By spotting the signs early, advanced tooth wear or sensitivity can be prevented.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are concerned with any of the issues mentioned.