Our case of the month for last month February 2021 is a stunning case which involves a smile transformation using three techniques:
1. Lingual Braces
2. Tooth whitening using a take home whitening kit
3. Cosmetic bonding
We like to call this a Progressive Smile transformation as there is no drilling, no injections, no pain and the process is affordable and easy to maintain. In contrast to porcelain veneers or crowns which require drilling away of healthy tooth enamel to cover the teeth with the ceramic. Granted, this may look good to begin with but what about in 10 years? Biologically, removing the enamel means that the hardest tissue in the body can no longer protect the underlying tooth which could lead to bacterial leakage and infection. Why risk this?
Before Treatment

Here we can see that the right canine tooth sticks outwards and there is crowding of the adjacent teeth. The teeth are heavily worn due to bruxism- grinding at night.
After Treatment

Nice! Lovely straight teeth, a few shades whiter and even edges. This is a true smile transformation the Progressive Dentistry way. We call this ABC; align, bleach and cosmetic bonding
If you would like a free video consultation with Dr Nissit Patel at Progressive Dentistry on ABC or any other aspect of dental care, we are offering this free of charge 7 days a week.
Why wait? After the year we have had, invest in yourself and smile with confidence!