Our case of the month for January is an amazing smile transformation using cosmetic braces. One of the most satisfying aspects of dentistry is the completion of a long journey and seeing the transformation that can be made. Our case is an amazing transformation. Initially, the overall alignment and bite was very much out of position. A great deal of deliberation and planning is required for such complex cases- there is no need to rush! Here are the before photographs:

The decision had to be made whether surgery was required to correct the jaw positions prior to any orthodontic treatment. In many cases, this would be necessary but it was felt that a significant improvement could be made without surgery. Therefore, a comprehensive orthodontic approach was taken utilizing some restorative techniques such as the Dahl concept. Over one year later and the transformation is there for all to see:

The technique used for this case was ceramic fixed outside brackets. This appliance is classified as a discreet one; it is not an invisible brace but is not readily visible. Teeth straightening need not take years out of your life, even for advanced cases. Major improvements can be made within a matter of months and with discreet braces, it will hardly be noticeable. If you would like to transform your smile with discreet, invisible or conventional braces, please do not hesitate to contact us. 2015 could be the year that you change your smile forever!