Our case of the month for August is one involving a Social 6 lingual brace for the lower front teeth. Our client really disliked the crowding with the lower front teeth and was desperate for a solution prior to her wedding.
The Social 6 lingual brace is attached to just the front 6 teeth acting on the front 4 teeth i.e the Social aspect of your smile. It is also placed on the INSIDE of the teeth and hence is the only 'invisible' brace. Due to the great technology of the brackets and wires and the skill of our Principle Dentist Dr Nissit Patel, we can straighten the front teeth in a matter of weeks rather than years.
Just take a look:
Social 6 Lingual Brace For Lower Front Teeth

Crowded lower front teeth. Note how the teeth are uneven, at different levels and inside/out

Straight front teeth. Level edges, aligned and straight. In only a few weeks.
If you would like to see the brackets in action, here is a photo: |

With 2-D brackets - the lowest profile brackets on the market
As you can imagine, our client was delighted. Photographs are the sole property of Dr Nissit Patel and may not be reproduced in any form. |