One of the most popular cosmetic treatments in 2013 is the Social 6 lingual brace. This is a brace that is fitted to the INSIDE of the teeth, making it truly invisible. As it is fixed, there are no compliance issues and the technology of the system means that a wide variety of movements can be achieved.
1. As the name suggests, it is placed on the front 6 teeth only.
2. The aim is to correct the front 4 teeth, the canine teeth act as the anchors.
3. The usual time frame is very quick, from 6-24 weeks.
4. It is completely invisible to the eye.
5. The technology of the wires means that very light but constant forces are applied, which means LESS pain.
6. The treatment is a complex and skilled procedure and not readily available at most dental practices.
Below is a recent example of a case treated by Dr Nissit Patel at Progressive Dentistry using the lingual braces:
The difference is amazing, with the end result achieved in just a few months. Social 6 lingual braces offer a great alternative to prolonged, full mouth braces especially when only a cosmetic improvement is required. If you suffer from crooked front teeth and would like them straightened quickly and discreetly, please contact us.