Patients with stained teeth who come to see us in the quest for whiter teeth ask us about the professional treatments on offer to fulfil their wish for whiter, cleaner looking teeth.
Patients also frequently ask what causes staining and how to avoid it. Most staining is easily removed during a routine scale and polish, but some things that cause staining can also cause long-term damage to natural teeth as well as fillings and veneers.
- Cigarettes, as well as cigars and betel nut/tobacco chewing. Stoptober has started, it's never too late quit smoking.
- Some mouthwashes, in particular Corsodyl. After around a week of use, will start to cause a brown/yellow stain on the teeth. This mouthwash should only be used on your dental professionals advice. Try Peroxyl as an alternative to help tackle gum disease, its oxygen producing formula is great for killing off bacteria. Any strong mouthwash should be used in the short-term only, and doesn't replace the effectiveness of brushing/flossing.
- The mixture of tannin and acid in Red Wine is a well known stain producing drink. White anyone?
- Tea and Coffee both contribute to staining. Try swapping espresso for a milkier alternative to avoid heavy staining and add milk to tea. Beware of some Herbal Teas, they are some of the worst offenders. We notice that good quality (preferably organic) herbal tea will cause less staining than cheaper options
- Richly coloured sauces and spices
- Beware of sports drinks, they are highly acidic, which makes teeth more susceptible to taking on the colouring in the drink. Drink water to avoid this problem, or coconut water after exercising which will help to naturally hydrate you as it is full of natural electrolytes.
If you have any questions regarding stained teeth or how to whiten your teeth, please do not hesitate to contact us.