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Feb 2018

Gum Disease And The Link To Systemic Disease

Relationship Between Gum Disease And Systemic Diseases

Extraordinary progress is being made in understanding the close relationship between gum disease and general health. There is increasing evidence showing that oral health conditions such as gingivitis and periodontal disease negatively affects systemic health and increases the risk of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, pulmonary disease and may also cause complications in pregnancy. Over recent years it has become clear that oral infections are a significant risk factor in systemic diseases.


Periodontitis, one of the most common oral health diseases, despite being preventable was once thought to be an inevitable consequence of aging. The cause of this inflammatory oral condition is the bacteria found in dental plaque, a complex microbial biofilm, which adheres to the tooth and the gums. If dental plaque is not removed through regular and adequate toothbrushing and flossing, oral microorganisms can invade blood vessels spreading across, lowering the immune system and causing infections in other parts of the body.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Dental plaque is an important reservoir of harmful microorganisms, hence the importance of preventing and treating gum diseases is paramount. This can be achieved by maintaining good oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist and a routine hygiene treatment. Also, recognising that oral health and general health are intimately related is essential in order to understand how to control and manage oral disease and to prevent these systemic conditions.

Your mouth is connected to the rest of the body and acts as a mirror of your body in terms of its condition. Contact your dentist if you are concerned about your gums or book an appointment with our hygienist who would be able to help you to diagnose and treat any gum disease and provide you with tailored and holistic oral hygiene advice.


Sep 2019

5 Warning Signs That Indicate You Need To Visit The Dentist

Whether it’s eating, drinking, chewing, or biting, there is a wide range of ways that teeth are used extensively for every day. Over time, however, your teeth may experience the inevitable signs of wear and tear, leading to several problems. A common problem that most adults face is that they put off the idea of visiting a dentist to remedy any dental issue because they are overshadowed by other commitments, ranging from tight work deadlines to taking care of their kids. However, the persistent symptoms of … CONTINUE READING
Jun 2016

9 Key Facts To Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss. On the whole, gum disease can be prevented. Here are 9 key facts to prevent gum disease:1. Always clean your teeth twice a day. 2. Clean in between the teeth using floss or inter dental brushes daily- you will be amazed how much builds up on a daily basis. 3. Visit the dentist and dental hygienist twice a year minimum. If you have gum disease, quarterly visits may be required. 4. Do not smoke- smoking is just a big a cause of gum disease as poor oral hygie… CONTINUE READING
Mar 2016

Spring Clean - 3 Reasons For Keeping Your Gums Healthy

Spring is finally arriving and hopefully the end of the wet, miserable weather (we can only hope). With Spring traditionally associated with cleaning ones home, why not start a spring clean of your mouth with these 3 reasons for keeping your gums healthy:1. Did you know there are more bacteria present in your mouth than the entire population of earth?2. Did you know gum disease is strongly associated with systemic disease such as stroke, diabetes and heart problems?3. Are you aware that gum disease can be,… READ MORE
Feb 2016

Gum Health Tips

The health of your mouth is critical to your overall health, which is supported by robust scientist evidence. Here are 10 tips to help maintain a healthy mouth and healthy body:1. Brush twice a day for two minutes. We prefer electric brushes. 2. Clean in between your teeth with floss or inter dental brushes every night. 3. Use plaque disclosing tablets occasionally. This will highlight where the deposits are building up allowing you to clean more effectively. 4. Waterjets are useful if you hate flossing.… CONTINUE READING