Our case of the month for August 2022 was a fabulous one! A real smile transformation done correctly. Forget 'Turkey Teeth'! A smile transformation should involve minimal or no biological damage to the teeth and gums to enhance the aesthetic and functional issues. The term 'Turkey Teeth' comes from social media posts where a smile makeover is done over a weekend by hacking away natural healthy tooth structure and placing multiple crowns and veneers. These are often linked together with no means of cleaning between them. This is a recipe for disaster with not only a high risk of nerve death and root canals but also gum disease and infection. The cost of rectifying this treatment will far outweigh the 'savings' from going abroad and also lead to life long maintenance.
Anyway, back to our case and happier news. We first started with careful planning to straighten the teeth using Invisalign full. One of the main issues was that the dental arches were very narrow which is why you cannot see the back teeth on smiling. This is called the buccal corridor. With expansion, we have the opportunity to create space and correct crowding without IPR ( in between teeth filing and slimming) which we always strive to achieve. Invisalign is simply the best at arch expansion in our opinion. After only 8 months, we had lovely straight teeth ready for the next stage.
Invisalign For Arch Expansion, Teeth Whitening & Cosmetic Teeth Bonding
Zoom whitening and BondingAfter ZOOM whitening, cosmetic teeth bonding was done and a front tooth filling replaced to enhance the symmetry and really improve the overall aesthetics ten fold. Once again, bonding is a minimally invasive procedure which requires virtually no cutting of the underlying tooth usually with just some polishing of any rough edges. We use Empress Direct as our choice of composite and the shade here was BL XL, a bleached shade which is perfect for post whitening. Once the bonding is complete, we take digital scans for final retainers. |
Before Treatment

Narrow arches, cross bite, crowding and uneven shapes
After treatment

After Invisalign, whitening and bonding. All treatment completed by Dr Nissit Patel
Contact UsIf you are thinking about a smile transformation this year, please book a free video consultation at our dental practice in Fulham and talk to us. Remember, forget 'Turkey Teeth'! |